
Search results

  1. Owl Crew- Wooster

    regularly to work on longer writing projects such as manuscripts, dissertations, or thesis work. Events ...

  2. Beautiful but harmful: The spotted lanternfly’s growing threat in Ohio Extension Faculty and Staff OARDC News Tips and Events Research Media Advisory Business and ...

  3. Horticulture

    plants, and landscape design, as well as business principles to sell the commodities. You’ll learn basic ...

  4. Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)

    goats. This works to clean the site of vines, but long-term control is not likely achieved using this ...

  5. WestFest

    engagement event that highlights STEM research, sustainability initiatives, and outreach programs. This ... year’s WestFest will be held on  October 19th, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The event features ...

  6. Flag Football

    will be held on Wednesday October 9 th  at 6:30pm on the soccer field. This is an open to all event ... will split players up into teams on the night of the event and play a game or two. No experience ...

  7. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Troubleshooting

    Practice good sanitation by removing organic debris and ensuring that conditions are not too wet. Keep ... areas clean by adding a base layer of gravel under the logs. Natural enemies of slugs include arthropods ...

  8. From the small screen to a national stage

    Emmy Beck-Aden Emmy Beck-Aden recalls that her dad’s camcorder was a fixture at every event, trip, ... 4-H events across the state,” said Beck-Aden. Over those four years, she was honored to receive ...

  9. Turfgrass Science at OSU

    provides recreational benefits to sporting events as well as creates aesthetically attractive surrounds for ...

  10. Patricia Brundige Inducted into National 4-H Hall of Fame

    to attend 4-H camps and events. Her support extends to all aspects of the 4-H experience, from ...
