
Search results

  1. Zoom webinar 'A Day in the Woods'

    available for a live question and answer session during the live event. For program details and to register ...

  2. Club News from Around the County

    at Perfect North. Members attending the event had a lot fun spending time together and getting to ... the project.        4-H Clover Crusaders- Clean Up Camp Graham On May 18th the Clover Crusaders 4-H ... club cleaned up Camp Graham. This year, we had the opportunity to have Crossroads Church help us. They ...

  3. CANCELLED: Introduction to Grant Writing

    know where to begin?  Join Kyle White, OSU Extension Community Development Educator to learn the basics ...

  4. Scheduled to Attend CARTEENS?

    Where is the program held? Programs are held at the Warren County Fairgrounds in the Event Center, ...

  5. 2020 New and Small Farm Conference and Trade Show

    If you are a new or small farm owner, you don't want to miss this event. Find all of the ...

  6. Caregiver Support Network

    resources and more. Check-in starts at 12:30 p.m. and the event begins at 1 p.m. Ohio locations include ... Columbus, Akron, Athens, Caldwell, Fremont, Lebanon and Ottawa. The Lebanon/Warren County/SW OH event will ...

  7. Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

    been planning for the last many months.  Please be watching for announcements of Earth Day events at ...

  8. Introduction to Grant Writing

    Community Development Educator to learn the basics of the grant writing process including: how funders are ...

  9. 101 Alternatives to the Chalkboard

    teachers and outdoor educators with creative ways to provide exciting learning experiences.  This event is ... Form. Scholarships and discounts available. Conference Schedule Friday (no formal sessions or events but ... Songs & Stories 9:45-? Post-campfire gathering & snacks This event made possible by YMCA Camp ...

  10. Salamander Monitoring Training ...
