
Search results

  1. Rafael Domingues, DVM, PhD

    reproductive biology and endocrinology using primarily cattle and sheep to study basic and translational ...

  2. Advisor Resources

    are engaged in club meetings, activities, and events Club Disbanding  In the event that a club becomes ...

  3. The Ins and Outs of Internships

    The Department of Animal Sciences will be hosting The Ins and Outs of Internships informational session on February 15th from 6-7 PM in the Animal Sciences Arena. Learn more about your responsibilities as a student and the assistance that your Faculty Adv ...

  4. Forms and Resources

    form can be used for any event or activity in which 4-Hers are participating and there is perceived ... risk, or if others are participating in an event or activity presented by 4-H in which there is ... office. This insurance is strongly suggested any time that a club is running an event or activity for the ...

  5. Saddle & Sirloin hosts 387 head for inaugural cattle show

    “Putting on the Saddle and Sirloin Spectacular is one event that the club looks forward to the most ...

  6. Annual Meat Products Show Draws a Crowd

    drawing the largest crowd of hungry guests in over three years. Dr. Knipe shared the success of the event ...

  7. Talita Resende, DVM, MS, PhD

    with focus on swine, ranging from basic science such as pathogenesis of intestinal infectious agents, ...

  8. 4-H and Youth Programs

    activities; contests, including groom & clean, horse bowl, photography, public speaking, and presentation ...

  9. CFAES Career Fair

    The SP24 CFAES Career Fair will be held on Feb. 13th in the Ohio Union from 1-4pm. Find more information here. ...

  10. Dogs

    Dog and Me and Basic Training categories as part of your first three categories. Select three ...
