
Search results

  1. Is a Prenuptial Agreement Right for Your Farm Business?

    help minimize the financial stress on a family business in the event of a divorce. This agreement can ... how assets and liabilities will be divided in the event of a divorce, dissolution, or death.   An ... death of a spouse. Marriage Without a Prenuptial Agreement In the event of a divorce, dissolution, or ...

  2. RHDV2: What Rabbit Owners Need to Know

    can serve as a source of infection if owners are not following adequate sanitation protocols for ... cleaning and disposal. The incubation period for RHD is 1-5 days from time of exposure to showing signs of ... that RHD shows up in your facility. For effective results, owners should clean with soap and water to ...

  3. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    precipitation as well as in heavy precipitation events (Wilson, et al., 2022; Wilson, et al., 2023; Jay, et al., ... events could involve decisions prior to their occurrence (e.g., planting date, hybrid selection), as well ... cold temperatures (associated with cold fronts) flooding or waterlogging damage from hail events wind ...

  4. Produce Safety and Flooded Fields

    There is no effective sanitation method for fresh produce after a flooding event (1). Although the ... from cull piles do not contaminate unaffected fields. Clean and sanitize bins and tools that were used ... is considered a high risk to produce safety and quality. There are two types of water events that ...

  5. Crops and Soils Club Hosts Spring SASES Meeting!

    a jam-packed year filled with club events, fundraising, winning a CFAES Student Organization Excellence Award and ... traveling to off-campus events such as Weed Judging Competitions. We had the chance to chat with the Crops ... State for the event in April of 2023. We thought "hey, we could do this next year" and after ...

  6. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Strawberries

    green, fresh looking, and fully attached. Berries should be dry and clean. Medium to small berries ... a paring knife, if needed.  Thoroughly crush berries using a potato masher, food processor, clean hands, ... clean freezer jars leaving ½-inch from the top of the juice to the top of the jar rim. Wipe jar rims ...

  7. Forage Testing for Beef Cattle

    have specific instructions that should be followed. Basic forage sampling procedures: To correctly ... the full depth of the tube. Place samples in a clean plastic bucket and thoroughly mix them. Pour the ... entire mixed sample onto a clean flat surface. Level the sample and separate it into equal quarters. ...

  8. Dr. Fernanda Krupek

    connect US and Central/South American agricultural stakeholders through leadership and extension events ...

  9. Shock Chlorination of Wells

    important step in well protection.   Third, keep the plumbing clean when servicing the water supply. When ... solution, to sanitize the plumbing. Finally, shock chlorinate the system to eliminate bacterial ... clean water and set aside if needed for cleanup. Connect a clean hose to a faucet in the system. Take ...

  10. Dr. Uttara Samarakoon

    diversification of hydroponic crops. I organize an annual workshop in greenhouse basics for k-12 teachers to help ...
