
Search results

  1. Indirects

    If we have a $10k grant with 10% indirect rate, we can basically spend $9,091 in direct costs and ...

  2. Reserving Seating Areas for Your Event

    Interested in reserving a space at the arboretum for your next event? Find more information on how to do that here. ...

  3. Ohio Pawpaw Conference – May 18

    North American Pawpaw Growers Association are organizing the event that will feature cooking ...

  4. Columbus Mid-West Campus Tunnel Project

    a list of work that will directly affect operations, events, and parking:   Plumb Hall Parking Lot ... the summer to address other impacts to operations, events, and parking as dates are scheduled for work ...

  5. Build a Better Summer Recipe Virtual Workshop

    REGISTER: Special thank you to the event sponsor- The Ohio Rural Health Association. ...

  6. WIRED Conference to Feature Temple Grandin

    vaccinations, calving simulator, grazing management, and tractor and equipment basics. Learn more and register ... at   The registration deadline is March 25. ...

  7. Upcoming Programs and Events

    Check out upcoming Greene County ANR Programs Here Other Educational Presentations done by MGV If you are interested in having an OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardener Volunteer speak at your club or organization meeting, please contact Marina Miqui ...

  8. We Grow Scientists Event – May 1

    CFAES will host the second annual We Grow Scientists event on May 1 (3-7 p.m.) at the Waterman ... a free event open to learners of all ages wanting to explore STEM in their community. This event is being ...

  9. Cooper-Riser Receives Local Hero Award

    community whose basic nature is to give without expecting anything in return. Award recipients are ...

  10. Ohio Pawpaw Conference – May 18

    North American Pawpaw Growers Association are organizing the event that will feature cooking ...
