
Search results

  1. Spring Clean Your Household Finances

    Spring is the time to dust away the cobwebs from your household money tools. Let Patrice Powers-Barker of Ohio State University Extension program show you how to create a useful spending plan and stretch a dollar in a few different "categories" ...

  2. TWEL Andrew Vitz Dissertation

    diet of young birds. Compared to retrices, basic plumage body feathers were more enriched in δ15N and ...

  3. CFAES Staff Appreciation Event

    Free lunch for the first 190 attendees!  Includes: sandwich/wrap, fruit, dessert, and water Kottman Hall Lobby. Hosted by the CFAES Staff Advisory Council ...

  4. Climate Change Will Threaten Fish by Drying Out Southwest U.S. Streams, Study Predicts

    increase in the frequency of stream drying events and a 27 percent increase in the frequency of zero-flow ...

  5. Ohio Shale’s Biggest Environmental Impact May Be on Forests: Talk at Farm Science Review

    130,000 people are expected to attend the event.   Extension farm science review Gwynne Conservation Area ...

  6. Jennifer Malpass' Defense Seminar

    events. Specifically, domestic cats (Felis catus) were over 5x as frequently documented depredating ...

  7. Ohio State Launches New Housing Learning Community Focused on Sustainability

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SUSTAINS students canoeing during welcome weekend events. SUSTAINS was developed with a vision of strong ...

  8. Arthur Robinson Cartography Colloquium

    important pathways of climate-biosphere interactions, and phenological events (e.g., spring leaf emergence ...

  9. Wildlife Happy Hour Fundraiser- Land-Grant Brewing Company

    Swing by Land-Grant on Monday, May 14th between 5-9pm to support the Wildlife Sciences Fund (WSF), which enhances the quality of undergraduate and graduate education related to wildlife and supports innovative research and outreach efforts to enhance wild ...

  10. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    manage the impacts of extreme weather events and climate change The webinar is free. To register click ...
