
Search results

  1. Ohio's Statewide 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

    reproduction, milk marketing, bovine health and diseases, and even places and locations of major dairy events ...

  2. Ohio Dairy Industry Forum (ODIF) Hosts Trade Discussion

    ODIF should act as a liaison to gather and distribute information on future events. ...

  3. September Dairy Judging Update

    best game day attitude polished up for the event! ...

  4. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    California competed in the event. OSU finished second in reasons, with Rachel Townsley as the high individual ...

  5. Two New OSU Ag Safety and Health Program Staff!

    providing displays and demonstrations at agricultural events around the state. He will also work with ...

  6. Manure Pit Safety for First Responders

    additional personnel suited up in the event they are needed to assistant in the rescue. Training is also ...

  7. Vegetable Gardening Basics

    It’s Spring! We’ll break down garden duties into three parts: Planning, Planting, and Maintaining. For first time gardeners or as a refresher after a long, cold winter, leave with a month-by-month plan of major tasks in the garden and how to use your time ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    decade, regardless of any sort of weather event. The reason is that global milk production has come to ... America and recent political events occurring in the European Union. Thus, buyers are really starting to ...

  9. Columbus Urban Farmer Network Event

    Come learn how to be part of an OSU flea beetle research/demonstration project and plan the 2018 Farm Tour Series. ...

  10. Emergency Management Planning and Education

    and to cope with these events should they occur. Disaster can strike at any time. It is our hope the ...
