
Search results

  1. 4-H Monsters Event- YALC


  2. Freezing Basics

    I’m hearing from many of you that gardens are in full production, the green beans are ready, the zucchini and squash are multiplying rapidly and the tomatoes are coming on strong.  We are so fortunate to live in a community where local foods are abundant ...

  3. CFAES recognizes outstanding students, supporters

    CFAES held its 2015 Recognition Banquet on April 16 in the Ohio Union in Columbus. The event was ...

  4. Wayne County Jr. Fair Clean-up Night

    Inviting our Wayne County 4-H TEAM: T ogether E ach A ccomplishes M uch Tuesday, September 22, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Meet in front of the Junior Fair Office All club members, advisors, parents and committee members encouraged to come join the fun! Think ...

  5. Sandy Kuhn

    Currently she continues to help with the silent auction at the annual alumni event, FallFest, and is vice ...

  6. Celebrating Your Impact

    Extension – 4-H Youth Development. For a couple of years, when the “Capital Challenge” event in cooperation ... meetings of the 4-H Professionals within their own EERAs to plan area-wide events, share materials and ...

  7. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    staff in the Ohio Union for the annual event, which honors those who contribute in various ways to the ... college, the university and the community as a whole. Click  HERE  to see images from the event.  Click on ... Development Event Teams throughout the year, assists with the FFA Alumni Chapter and orchestrates student ...

  8. TEAM FAIR Clean Up Night


  9. Building 10 Booth Tear Down / Clean Up


  10. Register Now for Homecoming!

    Homecoming. Just click on  then select “Update Your Info.”  Event registration is open, ...
