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  1. Grazing Basics: How Grazing Can Work For You Workshop

    Grazing Basics:  How Grazing Can Work For You Workshop Brochure ...

  2. 2017 Farm Management School

    Sheet              1/12-     What Is the Mission of Your Farming Operation               Basics of ...

  3. Managing Motivation as a Student in the Time of COVID-19

    face when trying to work on dissertations/theses, and time for discussion/Q&A. This event is free ...

  4. 2016 Ohio Beef School Webinar Series- Series 2 of 3

    "Back to Basics" with OSU Beef Team members addressing a variety of profit centered ...

  5. School Enrichment

    basic money management practices in the classroom and then make simulated lifestyle and budget choices ...

  6. Come to the Farm Zone at the Butler County Fair!

    events every day of the week.  Butler County’s Master Gardener Volunteers will have a fun, interactive ... a delicious smoothie powered by you!  All of these events will run from 1:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 23 ... the Butler County Fairgrounds to see our Cloverbuds race their fruit and veggie cars!  This event will ...

  7. Tree ID Walk

    and 5 and under are free. Participants will learn the basics of tree ID and get to exercise their ...

  8. Virtual Kick-Off Event: Engaged Practitioners Network

    The Engaged Practitioners Network is a space for those Ohio State staff who are working in spaces of community outreach and engagement. We will provide an opportunity for sharing best practices as well as networking with colleagues across campus. Our goal ...

  9. Cloverbud Contest- Cloverbud Veggie-Fruit Car Event

    This year, Cloverbuds will be able to participate in a Veggie-Fruit Car Event. The race will take ... bring their completed car and spare parts/repair parts to participate in the event. The car will need to ...

  10. 2016 Darke County Farm Management School

    Balance Sheet Basics of Finance                                                                   1/21 ...
