
Search results

  1. Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation

    professionals are reaching out-- teaching the basics of home canning and food preservation through ... season. In demonstrations and hands-on classes, participants learn basic food safety principles, how to ...

  2. International publisher honors Rattan Lal

    for CFAES, at the event recognizing Lal. “He’s had his hands in the soil in a lot of places in the ...

  3. Managing Multiple Generations Online

    characteristics, strengths and values that are a result of the shared historical events that occurred during their ...

  4. Celebration of Nations

    Come see the diversity of CFAES at the Celebration of Nations event on Tuesday, February 5 from ...

  5. Hort & Crop Science Graduate Research Retreat

    in graduate studies. Purpose of events: Share graduate research – research competition ...

  6. Save the Date- CFAES Spring Game Tailgate

    many family-friendly activities at this new event on the CFAES Columbus campus, to be held prior to ...

  7. Stop Hunger Now

    helped during the Stop Hunger Now meal-packaging event at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center ... three hours. Those meals feed the hungry across the globe. The event was co-hosted by The Ohio State ...

  8. Events Calendar

    attend this day-long conference.  The event features garden-based nutrition education, after-school ...

  9. Stress/Time Management with Semesters with Yoga

    Event: Stress/Time Management with Semesters with Yoga Date: March 19th, 2013 Time: 7 to 9 PM ...

  10. Hort & Crop Science, Plant Pathology and Entomology Welcome Back Cookout

    Departments. Purpose of events: bringing students and faculty/staff together, opportunity for student ...
