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  1. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    Monday preceding the event by returning a registration form, calling 740-596-5212 (OSU Extension – Vinton ...

  2. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    Monday preceding the event by returning a registration form, calling 740-596-5212 (OSU Extension – Vinton ...

  3. Communiqué February 18, 2015

    county, or those who would like a refresher. This training will cover the basics of Drupal 7: how to ... create and edit pages, news items, events, people, and the general guidelines for content placement. Any ... and weaknesses, and some of the basic assumptions they make about other people. It can also go far in ...

  4. Nestle Industry Information Session

    Dinner will be served at 5 pm and the information session will start at 5:30 pm. This event takes place ...

  5. Communiqué July 3, 2012

    water, and have had trees or other damage to clean up after the recent storms. The damage is widespread, and ...

  6. Communiqué April 1, 2015

    other wonderful events and programs are going on in the counties. We look forward to the next meeting on ... Columbus. This informative event continues to be a great way to welcome new employees to Extension and The ... counts, no matter the size. Participation is key. Visit our new Campus Campaign 2015 webpage for event ...

  7. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    director, programming Defining the word leadership has many interpretations. A basic definition could simply ...

  8. Communiqué November 7, 2012

    our sons marched in the band. Attending events can be challenging at times given the hectic schedules ... and special events our children experience. When one of these special occasions occurs and is in ... conference and recognition event, and the office will reopen on December 6 (remember to change your voice ...

  9. Communiqué February 13, 2013

    Wolford, Director, Government Relations The annual Legislative Luncheon is today, February 13. This event ... high-impact programs, in maintaining support of our elected officials. Typical attendance at this event is 300 ... coaching competencies, and specific techniques needed to successfully coach others. The event will be held ...

  10. Communiqué April 13, 2012

    technicians who have been trained to resolve many of the basic IT issues you may encounter. When the student ... government Student poster sessions featuring ongoing research The event will be held at the Blackwell Inn and ...
