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  1. Wooster Campus Fun Fest TOMORROW

    Lunch includes a Hamburger or Hotdog or Vegan Burger, fruit, chips & Hartzler’s ice cream or Luigi’s Italian ice. You may also Enjoy Popcorn & Cotton Candy and Play Cornhole, Giant Jenga or Connect 4! ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO Inspires Youth with Pathway Opportunities Exploration

    The Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO, an exciting event dedicated to exploring future career opportunities, ... Ohio State’s Center on Education and Training for Employment played a crucial role in the event ... than just an event; it's an opportunity for young people to discover their passions, explore ...

  3. Raw Oat Safety

    way they are processed: Oat Groats* dehusked grain kernels that have been cleaned and may have been ... store-bought oats (Nichols, 2017): Unopened dry oatmeal should be stored in a cool, clean, and dry place. ... magnesium, and zinc. Basic Overnight Oats Recipe Adapted from Food Network (2021). Ingredients 1 / 3 to ...

  4. Basic Estate Planning: Introduction

    introduce you to the basic concepts needed to develop an estate plan. Therefore, these fact sheets are in no ... to you talk about your death. For many, our uneasiness with death prevents us from doing basic but ... of us don't have an estate plan. This fact sheet series is an attempt to give you that basic ...

  5. Freezing and Canning Venison

    chlorine bleach for this purpose rather than the scented varieties. For cleaning and sanitizing equipment ... would hold heat which could cause the meat to spoil. Transporting the meat: Wrap the carcass in a clean ... canning, refer to the “Canning Basics” fact sheet at Strips, Cubes, or ...

  6. Backyard Grilling: Food Safety Practices to Keep on the Front Burner

    other food, including cooked meat. Clean and sanitize utensils and other cookware before and after ... cooking, it is important for anyone involved in preparing, cooking or handling food to have clean hands. ... might not be clean like garbage, petting animals and other similar activities. When you wash your hands, ...

  7. Selecting, Storing, and Using Fresh Herbs

    for immediate use unless they are to be dried or frozen. Herbs should be fresh, clean, and free of ...

  8. Electrochemical Disinfection in the Fresh-Cut Produce Industry

    antimicrobial electrolyzed oxidizing water electrolyzed water contaminated food food sanitation food cleaning ... washing, irradiation and the addition of antimicrobial agents.  Why is a New Sanitation Technology Needed? ... Thermal processing is the most commonly used sanitation technique in the food industry. However, it ...

  9. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    aches/pains, rash) in the following weeks. You can also save the tick in rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or ... tick in rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or a sealed baggie. If symptoms develop, seek medical care. ... pressure. 3. Save the tick in rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or a sealed container/bag. 4. Wash hands, the ...

  10. Hydrangea School at Secrest

    Discover the artistry of hydrangeas amidst the serene beauty of Secrest Arboretum. Join our immersive workshop and unlock the secrets to cultivating and caring for these exquisite plants. ...
