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  1. SBDC Progress

    entrepreneurial focused events throughout the year such as: Aquaculture Boot Camp, Business Blog Talk, From Dream ...

  2. Communiqué December 11, 2013

    during Homecoming Mid-fall – research colloquium/OSUE annual conference possible combined event. Per the ... county is encouraged to think about events you can have at the local level. You can involve your advisory ... appreciate all the support for this event. Dates are being determined for future welcome festivals in spring ...

  3. Communiqué September 17, 2014

    Back to Top Professional Courtesy Reminder – County Visits When you hold an event, conduct a field trip ... office about your upcoming visit as a professional courtesy. Local event hosts usually assume that the ... county office knows about your event, and advance notification helps everyone prepare adequately for the ...

  4. Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry

    malting barley research that is being conducted by the Ohio State University. These events included ...

  5. Communiqué April 30, 2014

    directors, and others are invited to register for this free event sponsored by The Ohio State University and ... a silver sponsor of the national convocation events. We have a half-page ad in the commemorative booklet, ... community partners Celebration of the 100-year history of OSU Extension The event will be held at the Ohio ...

  6. Communiqué May 13, 2015

    borrow one or more of these banners – available on a first come, first-served basis – for a local event ... The faculty and staff projects recognized by the OSU CARES Seed Grant program illustrate how ... and they are anxious to take on leadership roles. Learn about the culture and events that have shaped ...

  7. Past Events


  8. Communiqué August 1, 2012

    organization, they are routinely informed of policies, procedures, and standard practices basic to performing ... upload all of your IRB documents (initial review, amendments, continuing reviews, event reports, final ...

  9. Communiqué February 18, 2011

    basics of the strategic plan during these challenging times. Pulse Survey Results and Responses Recently, ... welcomed at Extension-sponsored events. (mean of 7.78) The Pulse Survey is a helpful communication tool for ...

  10. Communiqué March 1, 2012

    development narrative has disappeared and their Extension Events table is not appearing on their core dossier ... Communities is the theme for the event to be held on April 20 from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio ...
