
Search results

  1. Container gardening using Strawberry Jars

    take a little practice but basically you just need to create an opening in the soil, add the plant, and ...

  2. The Plant Protective Box

    boxes worked for them. If all else fails, clean out your garage or your basement to see if you can come ...

  3. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    doing some spring cleaning, and looking at some new home improvement projects.  This is also the time ...

  4. Be a Real Money, Real World Volunteer!

    Our first event is only 2 weeks away! RMRW is a wonderful opportunity to share your “real world” ...

  5. Ground Breaking Event Held for the Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building

    On Friday, June 29, over 125 guests gathered at the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory at The Ohio State University to celebrate the Kunz Brundidge Franklin County Extension Building groundbreaking. Special thanks to Commissioner John ...

  6. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    cleaning the driveway and sidewalks the next time we get a couple of inches of snow. I hope this list of ...

  7. Columbus Urban Farmer Network Event

    Come learn how to be part of an OSU flea beetle research/demonstration project and plan the 2018 Farm Tour Series. ...

  8. 4-H: Preparing Youth for a Brighter Future

    attending this event would include things like: (1) Project cost, (2) Hours involved in completing the ... provided for this FREE event which is open to the general public.  This will be the perfect time to also ...

  9. 4-H Club Advisor Appreciation & Enrichment Event


  10. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Extension’s role. Upcoming Events Future of Leadership Session, ESP National Meeting  – October 7, 2014 Vice ...
