
Search results

  1. Zotero Workshop

    will be presenting this free event here at ATI Library and encourage participants to bring their own ...

  2. FRIDAY: Best Practices to Improve Student Experience in the COVID Environment

    The Retention Task Force is presenting a panel discussion of best practices to improve student experience during the COVID environment. ...

  3. Webinar: FY19 Highed Education Challenge Grant Program

    on this funding opportunity is available on  NIFA’s website.  Event Details Date: Wednesday, April ...

  4. Planned Network Outage Tonight

    Annex Vector Virus Lab Entomology GH/HH If there are events or other circumstances that this outage ...

  5. Creative Apps for Classroom Use

    via zoom  Register here for the Zoom information and to have the event added to you calendar:  ...

  6. Holiday Sale

    The process is a little different, but you can still shop for poinsettias and holiday decor! Please note: There is a limited number of time slots for shopping in the floral lab, so sign up NOW before the sale is promoted to the public! Sign up at go.osu.e ...

  7. 2019 OSU Plant Sciences Symposium

    event is available at (registration not required). The symposium will also ...

  8. Turbulence in the Dairy Industry

    develop, we often are unable to measure the impact until after the event due to the uncertainty of the ...

  9. Milk Price Outlook

    Gary Schnitkey The Basic Formula Price (BFP) during November rose $.13 per cwt. over the October ...

  10. Is Your Herd Positioned for Profit?

    high quality. It is very expensive to upgrade poor forages with other feeds. 2. Clean, Fresh Water ... working properly; free stalls that need cleaned, repaired, bedded or not designed properly; untreated ...
