
Search results

  1. Register for the Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics

    speakers for the event include: keynote speaker Dr. Philip McCann from the University of Groningen in the ...

  2. Ohio State Economist: Taxing Phosphorus Could Reduce Risk of Algal Blooms

    stations also seems to indicate that there have been more large rainfall events in the past 15 years than ... thunderstorms-- big, large events that bring large amounts of rainfall that create abnormally large flows,” ...

  3. Meet Holly Hall, AEDE Student Service Center Office Associate

    new and improved ways of assisting our students through both online and in-person materials, events ...

  4. Wildlife and Fisheries Links

    and events) Audubon Ohio (website of the Ohio program of the National Audubon Society; supports ... with many local projects and events) Ohio Division, Izaak Walton League (seeks to conserve, maintain, ...

  5. AEDE to Host the Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) in April 2013

    speakers for the event include: keynote speaker Dr. Philip McCann from the University of Groningen in the ...

  6. Himes and Rettig Selected to Receive 2015 CFAES Alumni Awards

    more about all of the CFAES alumni that will be honored at the March 7 th event. AEDE will also honor ...

  7. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--Implications of the Supreme Court's WOTUS Ruling

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  8. GIS and Environmental Information Systems Links

    weather/solar events) Assn. of GIS Professionals – Ohio Chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems ...

  9. What GMO Labeling Means for ‘Black Box’ of Food Storage, Distribution: Panel Discussion Sept. 20

    agricultural economics-focused panel discussion has become an annual event at the Review, held in the Tobin ...

  10. What GMO Labeling Means for ‘Black Box’ of Food Storage, Distribution: Panel Discussion at the Farm Science Review

    economics-focused panel discussion has become an annual event at the Review, held in the Tobin Building on Beef ...
