
Search results

  1. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 1  and click “MSU Extension events” near the bottom of the page, or by completing  this registration ...

  2. Keeping Farmers Safe

    protection in the event the vehicle flips over. The ATV crush bar is a small, hairpin-shaped hoop that is ... Children 5 and under are free. More than 120,000 people typically attend the Review, an event sponsored by ...

  3. Climate Change Links

    range/seasonality of infectious diseases, disturbing food-producing ecosystems, frequency of extreme weather events ...

  4. Science Café: Ohio State Forests- a Long History of Birth and Re-Growth

    State- The talk starts at 6:30 p.m. in 165 ...

  5. Livestock Judging Teams Represent Ohio at National Contests

    recently competed at three national events. Congratulations to our outstanding youth judges! Ross/Highland ... equipment identification; quality assurance; and current agricultural events. The team consisting of ...

  6. DOE

    work will ultimately lead to new clean energy solutions and new jobs for America's families. Each ...

  7. 4-H Cloverbuds & State Fair Workshop

    implementing Cloverbud events.  The afternoon will focus on Preparations for a Positive 4-H State Fair ... Topics include non-livestock project judging, livestock, dogs and companion animals, offsite events and ...

  8. Upcoming OSU Weed Day on July 12

    Ohio corn and soybean fields. The 9 a.m. to noon event will focus on marestail control and new ... Extension weed specialist, who is organizing the event. Marestail is a competitive and rapid growing weed ...

  9. OSU Weed Day is July 12

    Ohio corn and soybean fields. The 9 a.m. to noon event will focus on marestail control and new ... Extension weed specialist, who is organizing the event. Marestail is a competitive and rapid growing weed ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Dog Expo

    of the form. Confirmation of Registration: You will receive an email before the event listing your ...
