
Search results

  1. Walk With a Doc- Marion County

    OhioHealth and Center Street Community Health Center will kick off the event with a brief talk on a current ...

  2. 4-H / FFA Goat Clinic

    show prep, and general care.  We encourage you to bring your own goat to this event!  However, if your ...

  3. Annual Ohio Women Outdoor Adventures (OWOA)

    launching/loading and powerboating basics. Fishing workshops include shoreline fishing, kayak fishing, bow fishing ...

  4. Great Lakes Apple Crunch

    about crunch events in your county so they can highlight them! ...

  5. OSU South Centers to host Blueberry, Bramble, and Wine Grape Field Night

    The event is scheduled to last until 8:30 p.m. “This will be a great workshop, both for beginners and ... option for wine grape growers in estate wine production.” To register for the event, call Bradford ... Sherman at 740-289-2071, ext. 115, or email him at The event will take place rain or ...

  6. Cold Weather Dairy Calf Care

    that the calf may not be receiving enough water.  Always offer calves clean, fresh water in addition to ...

  7. 2017 Ohio Botanical Symposium

    discoveries will be highlighted at the 2017 Ohio Botanical Symposium on Friday, March 24. The event also ... every-other year event. ...

  8. Mid Ohio Grower's Meeting January 10-11, 2019

    The 2019 Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting is January 10 and 11 at the Mount Hope Event Center located at ...

  9. Ponding and Flooding in Corn Fields

    events have left those fields that did get planted with water logged, saturated soils.  In some fields, ...

  10. Endeavor Center operates at full occupancy for most of 2018

    partnerships by jointly hosting training events with local business development partners. ...
