
Search results

  1. Best Practices for Nutrient Utilization and Water Recycling in Nursery Operations

    International Fertilizer Industry Association, the basic principle behind fertilizer best management practices ...

  2. We Grow Scientists! A COSI Community Event

    Oops! If you are looking for the 2024 event details- please go here The below is historical info ... from the 2023 event: Join us for the  inaugural ‘We Grow Scientists’ event! May 3, 2023 3:00-7:00 PM ... host the inaugural  “ We Grow Scientists ”  event on Wednesday,   May 3, 2023, from 3:00-7:00 PM at  ...

  3. Toledo Grows Seed Swap  ...

  4. Family History Treasure Hunt

    such as interesting relatives, special events, and curious stories of days gone by. The records you ...

  5. HCS Graduate Student Association

    professional events, provide a forum to plan academic and social events within HCS, and to serve as a liaison ... diversity, depth, and breadth of the science conducted by HCS graduate students. The two-day event is a great ... professional skills Provide a forum to plan academic and social events To serve as a liason between graduate ...

  6. weGrill Lucas County

    and their child (ages 10-16) together around a grill to learn basic nutrition, food safety, ...

  7. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Mike Sanders

    mentored me through the rough basics involved in golf course maintenance before advising me to attend Ohio ... career? My time at HCS not only gave me the basic fundamentals educationally to manage high quality ... and overall spectacle and scale of the event was unlike anything I’ve ever been a part of. The blood, ...

  8. Department of Extension Peer Evaluation of Teaching

    year should include other peers.  Ideally, the peer should not be someone who is co-teaching the event ... The letter should include the date of the teaching event, and be on institutional letterhead of the ... is encouraged to share verbal feedback with the instructor at the conclusion of the teaching event ...

  9. Student Clubs

    State University. We raise funds through various events including hosting a food stand at Farm Science ... Sale. These events not only serve as fundraising events but provide members with the opportunity to meet and ...

  10. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Jeff Boll

    tour event in the fall. Owning my own business has been special as it is something that hopefully one ...
