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  1. Regional Updates: May 28 – June 2, 2024

    and the area is now approximately 75% planted. Growers were also able to bale hay between rain events ...

  2. Testing Soil, Hay, Water, or Plants for Issues

    Allow time for shipping, testing, and results to be returned. The $15 covers the cost of the basic lab ...

  3. Ohio State University Extension Receives EPA (Region 5) Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) Grant

    successfully navigate funding opportunities to access the resources they need to lead in the clean energy ... transition, pollution clean-up, and green workforce development.   There are a variety of federal funding ...

  4. Affiliated Faculty & Staff

    opportunity to engage in Extension outreach and research activities and events. The opportunity to appear in ...

  5. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 5- Freeze Injury to Corn and Soybean

    field? As seen above, corn and soybean plants had visual injury from recent freeze events. However, the ...

  6. Same ol’ Farm Drainage Research? No, Think Future.

    North-Carolina.  With more intense rain events delivering larger quantities, producers seem to prefer narrower ...

  7. Big Swings Ahead for Planting, Growing and Harvest Season

    a lesser extent. The years where strong  El Niño  events came to an end in spring include 2016, 1998, 1982, 1973 ...

  8. Look Out for Nitrogen Loss Due to Heavy Rains

    The recent heavy rainfall events have implications on the fate of applied nitrogen (N). In the ... DENITRIFICATION When soil is saturated with water during or after the rain event, N can be lost to atmosphere via ...

  9. Business Law

    A discussion on the basics of farm insurance coverage, how insurance policies work, the insurance claims ... process, and items that a basic farm policy might not cover. Featuring Robert Moore and Jeff Lewis of the ...

  10. Preparing farms for the solar eclipse

    farm to view the eclipse, participate in eclipse events, or camp or stay overnight on the farm, there ... eclipse event, here are several steps farmland owners can take to address safety and liability concerns. ... property for an eclipse event, ensure that a vendor holds the appropriate license, such as a Retail Food ...
