
Search results

  1. Excel Workshops Start Next Week

    March 15, 2024, live, via Zoom, from 9AM-12PM. You can enroll in one or all of the following:    Basic ...

  2. Greenhouse Pansy Sale

    The ATI Greenhouse is having a Pansy Sale on Friday, April 19 from 12:00-2:00. ...

  3. Plant Pathology Grad Student Plant Sale

    If you're hitting Plant Discovery Day, don't forget to check out the Plant Path grad students' plant sale. ...

  4. Red Cross Blood Drive this Friday

    address and date of  birth.  Fill out the form with some basic information that the Red Cross will need.  ...

  5. Study Abroad in Panama

    read the attached flyer with some basic information about the program.  Then …  Visit Dr. Halsell and ...

  6. Pop-Up NACTA Webinar Watch Party

    taken from: The National Academic Advising ...

  7. Volunteers needed for CFAES Carnival on 4/15

    If you are able to help during any of the time frame, please see the volunteer spreadsheet to sign up for a time. ...

  8. Wayne County Career Expo

    You may have students who would be interested in this event. ...

  9. Our North Coast: An insight into Intergovernmental stewardship to improve Lake Erie from Ontario to Ohio

    Program Overview Join this EPN event and dive into concerns and the planning and numerous efforts ... water quality effort to ensure safe, clean water for all Ohioans. ODNR’s role within H2Ohio is to ... Information This event’s menu features sausage patties, scrambled eggs, potato hash, and fresh fruit ...

  10. Campus Change Visit Event- Columbus

    personally to department advisors in Columbus to attend the event and working directly with Ben Carignan on ...
