
Search results

  1. Ohio State University Extension Receives EPA (Region 5) Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) Grant

    successfully navigate funding opportunities to access the resources they need to lead in the clean energy ... transition, pollution clean-up, and green workforce development.   There are a variety of federal funding ...

  2. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Maria Smith

    teacher and I’m grateful I had her to show me the basics when I was first starting out.” Years later, ...

  3. Sara Smith

    programming, events, and opportunities related to Ohio 4-H shooting sports Coordinates and takes responsibility ... for travel, event logistics, financial maintenance, calendars, and website content for the Ohio 4-H ...

  4. Healthy Living

    program also provides education, trainings, and holds events for 4-H members, parents, professionals, and ...

  5. Ohio 4-H adventures into totality

    bringing a variety of STEM activities to SolarFest, a three-day event starting on April 6 and ending with ... the total solar eclipse on April 8. Sponsored by the Lorain County Senior Fair Board, the event ...

  6. Why Do Cows Bunch?

    first to the feed bunk, the clean free stall, and she will dictate her preferences with head butting, ... causes of cow bunching. Prepare for summer heat by cleaning fan blades and housing mesh. Dirty fans move ... include effective cleaning of fans, proper fly control, trim grass and weeds around barns, and check for ...

  7. Calendar of events

    participate. Visit the event’s Facebook page for additional details. April 13, 4-H Chicken BBQ & Benefit ... details about the event and information on how to purchase tickets. May 1, We Grow Scientists (Columbus) ... will host the second annual “We Grow Scientists” event at Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources ...

  8. 2023 Achievement Awards

    4-H Center. This event was hosted by the Ohio 4-H Foundation.  Award Award Winner Award Sponsor Ohio ...

  9. Current Dairy Industry Outlook and Dairy Margin Coverage Sign-Up

    events could affect this projection by either increasing feed costs or lowering milk price. As a risk ... management strategy against either one of these two events, the DMC program is a very useful tool for ...

  10. You can support the creation of a new 4-H project book!

    need to go beyond just understanding the basics of weather and climate science. They will learn how to ...
