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    classroom work and FFA events, while balancing her family and farm. Branson considers his greatest ... organization. He and the executive team planned events, recruited members, and brought in guests from the ... leadership, teamwork, public speaking, communication, event planning, and working with youth that will help ...


    AS, meeting weekly to offer advice. He also planned events such as the Back 2 School Bash and Winter ... monthly events to raise awareness of mental health resources on campus and other activities to encourage ... Ohio State’s campus. He coordinated the events with high school FFA advisors, high school ...

  3. Pulsed Electric Field Processing Applications in the Food Industry

    lines can be sanitized using clean-in-place (CIP) or steam-in-place (SIP) systems. What are the Key ... the commercial pasteurization of juices. The juice processors must implement sanitation and good ... contribution of The Ohio State University Food Safety Engineering Laboratory, Center for Clean Food Process ...


    He learned event planning skills, community development, and conflict resolution. These skills were ... other student organizations and leaders to create an event with three guest speakers, five bands, and ... the amphitheater by Mirror Lake while the bands played, seeing my dream event take shape, was one of ...

  5. Monitoring and Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruit Crops

    are simple to clean and maintain due to their basic design. They are also reusable for several ... Managing SWD: Sanitation Keeping your fruiting system free of attractive food resources can ...

  6. Fulton County "Fields of Knowledge" Summer Agronomy Meeting

    meeting. This event is designed to cater to agricultural grain producers, retailers, and individuals eager ... to deepen their understanding of local agronomic issues and conservation efforts. The event is being ... Extension.   The event is free to attendees, but an RSVP is requested for food count. A light breakfast, ...

  7. Biosecurity Fundamentals for Extension Personnel

    tattoo sets, tagging pliers, buckets). Clean and sanitize all transported equipment before and after use ... controlled; and how cleaning and disinfection procedures will be designed to reduce pathogen levels. Every ... minimize the spread of diseases. Basic issues to consider in a biosecurity program include isolating new ...

  8. Chlorinated Water Sanitation of Leafy Green Vegetables For Fresh Produce Processors

    Following harvest, leafy green vegetables are treated with sanitizers to reduce bacteria that have come in ... several liquid sanitizers that could be used to decrease bacterial load—including chlorine dioxide, ozone ... and peroxyacetic acid—chlorinated water is the frequently used sanitizer in the fresh produce ...

  9. Food Safety in Gardens

    should be cleaned and sanitized before each use. Plastic bags can be used to collect fruits and ... cleaned with soap and water and sanitized with a dilute solution of bleach (1 Tablespoon per gallon of ... Sanitation Pathogens can end up on fresh produce through cross-contamination from dirty surfaces. Harvesting ...

  10. Current Sanitation Practices for Leafy Green Vegetables For Processors, Retailers and Consumers

    deaths due to current sanitation and handling practices. Of the 9.6 million cases of total foodborne ... and romaine lettuce, and spinach are typically more challenging to sanitize than other vegetables ... for understanding this information is to identify potential improvements on sanitation processes, ...
