
Search results

  1. Organic Vegetable Production Conference To Be LiveStreamed In Wooster

    Learn” is open to any local producers using or interested in organic production practices. The event ... sharing around this online event!   Sessions offered during the in-person viewing will include “High ... viewing of OVPC virtual conference sessions for both Thursday and Friday.  The in-person event will be ...

  2. Steps To Home Ownership

    “right home,” developing a maintenance plan, working with a realtor, performing basic preventative ...

  3. Avia Influenza Impacting Ohio: Here's What You Need To Know

    measures.  This would focus on limiting personnel and equipment movement between houses.  A clean room in ... Vehicles should be sanitized prior to entry onto the property and before leaving.  They should evaluate ...

  4. Financial Literacy

    people the opportunity to learn basic money management practices in the classroom and then make simulated ...

  5. Skillathon Interviews

    of July 10 th and August 7 th 2024 6:30 – 9 pm at the Wayne County Fair Event Center.  Similar to ... that will be offered on July 9th from 5-9 pm at the Wayne County Fair Event Center. State Fair ...

  6. Focus On What Matters This Holiday Season

    gathering to make it easier for everyone?  Most often, it’s the people that make the events, so maybe let ... Generally, they remember the events, the people and the things they participate in, not the gift itself.  The ... your recipes and make sure you allow time for set up, preparation and clean up.  When you are ready to ...

  7. In The Market For A Bull?

    Program and decided to cancel the event that was to kick off on February 1 st.  In place of this program, ...

  8. weGrill Lucas County

    and their child (ages 10-16) together around a grill to learn basic nutrition, food safety, ...

  9. 4-H Junior Leaders Club forming, Open House Night scheduled

    attendance requirements, teens who attend a minimum number of Junior Leader events and meetings will be ...

  10. Post-Harvest Sanitation Steps To Help Prevent Diseases, Insects From Overwintering

    sanitation of the operation. This can be especially challenging in orchards where diseases easily overwinter ... harvest. It is important to realize that the true benefit of post-harvest sanitation may not be realized ...
