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Farm Science Review to Induct Two New Members into Hall of Fame
University. Each year, the event inducts honorees into its Hall of Fame to recognize significant individual ... event what it is today – an event nationally recognized as a premier agricultural show,” Gamble said. ... “Terry’s foresight, leadership and dedication to FSR has led to the event’s ongoing success and its ...
Environmental Professionals Network webinar 'Staying the Same, Yet Totally Different' ...
Evening webinar 'Managing Woodlots and Invasive Species'
needed. Just click on the link the day of the event. Enjoy! ...
Empathy and Flexibility Go a Long Way When Managing Farm Employees
the day so the animals can reach the food. A robot could even clean and prep a cow for mechanized ...
Research Resources
conduct both basic and translational science, OSU Extension is a major partner in many of these studies. ...
Backyard Bluebirding Basics
Backyard Bluebirding Basics March 14, 2015 9:00 am to 11:30 am Stratford Ecological Center 3083 ... Contacts. Learn the basics to get started managing your backyard habitat for native cavity nesting birds ... after the program. Limit 50 Cost = $10 per participant Register for event at ...
Organizers thinking big for Farm Science Review’s Small Farm Programs
for the Ohio Plate,” Jacqueline Kowalski, OSU Extension. * 11 a.m. – “Postharvest Sanitizer Use for ...
Save the Date: Farm Science Review is Sept. 20-22
said. “This event is now in its 54th year. It has become a place that people want to be a part of ... Extension programing — that’s what makes it a truly unique event. We have started planting corn and soybeans ... show, which is nationally recognized as a premier agricultural event. FSR annually draws between 110,000 ...
Organizers Thinking Big for Review's Small Farm Center
Plate, Jacqueline Kowalski, OSU Extension 11 a.m., Postharvest Sanitizer Use for Fruits and Vegetables, ...
New manager named for FSR
agricultural trade and education shows, the Farm Science Review is an annual three-day event sponsored by the ... manager, Zachrich will oversee the Review and other events that take place at the college’s Molly Caren ...