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  1. Wang appointed to Professorship in Plant Protection

    Faculty and Staff College Events/Announcements CFAES News Team 614-292-2270 ...

  2. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Recertification Conference- Akron- 2024

    available, walk-ins will be accepted. Check the website prior to the event for walk-in availability. ... restrictions, or accommodations for a disability, please call 614-292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event ...

  3. Water Hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus)

    bracts arranged in spikes with pointed tips and no petals. Fruit: Ovoid capsules that split cleanly ...

  4. Dr. Stephen Boyles retires following decades of impact on beef producers nationwide

    of cattle. Boyles also works to train first responders and producers in the event of a livestock ... incidents and other events throughout the country that involve animals. While Dr. Boyles’ accomplishments in ...

  5. Farmers’ Resilience, Need for Preparation Highlighted in Aftermath of Recent Tornado

    facility and event. This is real life for farmers, and we’re right here experiencing it, too,” said Nick ... weather, like high wind or hail events.” Wilson has four practical reminders for Severe Weather Awareness ... things that can’t be replaced no matter how much preparation one takes, and responding to these events ...

  6. Current Dairy Industry Outlook and Dairy Margin Coverage Sign-Up

    events could affect this projection by either increasing feed costs or lowering milk price. As a risk ... management strategy against either one of these two events, the DMC program is a very useful tool for ...

  7. May 15, 2024- New Applicator Training- In Person

    Interpretation and Quiz Lunch: 12:15 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. 1:00  p.m.  Afternoon Session Weed and Herbicide Basics Weed ...

  8. CFAES Award Recipients from Undergraduate Student Council


  9. We'd like to hear from you!

    invitations and the interviews are history. However, we would like to hear from you and how helpful our event ...

  10. CFAES Award Recipients from Staff Advisory Council

