
Search results

  1. Belonging and Connection

    CFAES Attend campus events (CFAES Back-to-School Bash, OUAB sponsored events) Talk to your classmates ... Attend sporting events Check out the Center for Belonging and Social Change  in the Ohio Union!   ...

  2. Finding Connections on Campus

    affliated with CFAES Attend campus events (CFAES Back-to-School Bash, OUAB sponsored events) Talk to your ... classmates Attend sporting events   ...

  3. Taste of Franklin County

    event flyer here. ...

  4. Taste of Franklin County

    multi-course dinner $5 voucher for the Mini Farmers Market located at the dinner site Event favor You may view ... the event flyer here. If you have any questions or would like to join Farm Bureau, please contact the ...

  5. Gardening with Physical Limitations Part 5: Garden Clean-Up and Preparing for Next Year

    including pest management, canning and preservation basics, and finish with end-of-season clean-up and ... provide tips for making garden clean up easier, safe, and identify what needs to be done to prep for next ... will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about basic maintenance, ...

  6. MANRRS John Deere Tour

    event, students will have the opportunity to tour John Deere HQ and nearby equipment factories, hear from ...

  7. Gardening with Physical Limitations Part 4: Canning and Preservation

    including pest management, canning and preservation basics, and finish with end-of-season clean-up and ... successfully grown in your garden. We will cover basic equipment and techniques and address how people with ... will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about basic maintenance, ...

  8. Safety and Wellness

    explore available campus resources for each area of wellness including coaching, events, and various ...

  9. Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course

    course will cover basic produce safety; worker health, hygiene, and training; soil amendments; wildlife, ... and sanitation; and developing a farm food safety plan. As a participant you can expected to gain ... a basic understanding of: microorganisms relevant to produce safety and where they may be found on the ...

  10. Islam wins Commercialization Achievement Award

    purchase starting at $45 for the basic kit, and $95 for the professional version at The ... basic field test kit contains enough reagent and testing supplies for approximately 15 field soil tests. ...
