
Search results

  1. Forages Field Night & Pasture Walk

    livestock grazing behaviors as influenced by forage availability and quality. The event is open to all ...

  2. A Successful Lamb Breeding Season Requires Proper Nutrition, Management

    knowing that lactation will cause them to lose some condition. Upcoming events There are several programs ... Science Review in London, OH.  We have tickets for purchase prior to the event at our office.  You can ... Rd.  The night will focus on water needs of livestock and grazing behavior.  The event runs from 6:00 ...

  3. Don’t Learn Safety by Accident

    National Farm Safety and Health Week is September 15 – 21, 2024. This annual event was put in ... Accident.”    What is an accident? Traditionally, we think of accidents as random or unexplained events that ... environment. Establishing a safety culture is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires ...

  4. Wheat Planting When The Soil Is Dry

    problems following a rainfall event. Wheat seed should be planted into soil moisture (if possible), but no ...

  5. Friendly Advice On How Children Can Build Forever Relationships

    each and every one of you for the investment that makes the events of the day flow smoothly.  I also ...

  6. OSU Organic Grains Conference (Sandusky)

    Resorts & Conventions   in Sandusky, Ohio. This event is managed by Ohio State University Extension ...

  7. Keep An Eye Out For Late Season Crop Pests

    can over winter in plant residue or on secondary hosts. Sanitation and residue management is a very ...

  8. Farm Safety and Health Week is very real for Ohio farmers in 2024!

    other workers or family members. Knowing what to do in the event of a fire emergency is important. ...

  9. In Stressful Times, Who Do You Turn To?

    them. They may offer excuses about how busy they are or that their house isn’t clean, but they still ...

  10. Drought, an early harvest, and fall herbicide applications

    considerable precipitation events between now and the first frost. Whether or not a fall application will be ... and growth, especially following precipitation or frost events, can be helpful in making this ...
