
Search results

  1. US Dairy Herds and Policy and the 2022 Census of Agriculture

    Coverage (DMC). Many payment parameters and calculations used in the formula were modified, but the basic ...

  2. Spring Forage Establishment

    following a rain event. When seeding in a tilled seed bed, drills with press wheels are best to ensure good ...

  3. PCard Pickup Procedures

    shipping costs to be expensed.  NOTE: This college shipping option may vary without notice in the event the ...

  4. Personal Travel in Conjunction with Business Travel

    event travel plans varied from the time of SA approval then CFAES recommends travelers to attach an ...

  5. Professional Development vs. Employee Appreciation

    Below is guidance for defining employee-related events supporting “Professional Development” and ... discussions, presentations, training and/or exercises.  Food is circumstantial per the event’s specific ... purpose for the event and avoids appearance of impropriety.  Additional costs are reasonable.     See ...

  6. High-Risk Category: Meals, Food and non-Alcoholic Beverages

    event, and necessity for food being provided.        Departments and end-users are accountable to ... the President has issued guidance for “employee appreciation and recognition” events and ... if “food” events continue to be compliant and justified with updated policies and principles.  Some ...

  7. Blanket PO Guidance

      Bi-weekly water cooler service, monthly carpet/rug cleaning, monthly pest control, quarterly elevator ... Carpet Cleaning given volume of daily visitors in the office.  Martin Carpet Cleaning is a catalog ... cleaning of carpets every 6 months (2 per year).      ...

  8. Business Purpose Helpful Hints

    location. When Provide timeframe, event date or timeline. Attachments Supplier quote, itemized receipt, ... participant sleeping rooms.  Meeting space and catering required for conference events. Requi sition (RQ) for ... Provide benefits to the University. When Provide timeframe, event date or timeline. Attachments Itemized ...

  9. Bid Waiver Request Overview

    be used.  Basic explanations of functionality and/or purpose (who, what, where, when why and how) ...

  10. Federal Milk Marketing Order Hearing Planned to Begin in August

    differentials AMS proposal The public hearing will be held at the 502 East Event Centre, 502 East Carmel Drive, ...
