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OSU Extension Energy Outreach Team- Carbon Sequestration Panel
this event. The zoom link is on the flyer and the zoom invite is below: Topic: Carbon Sequestration ...
The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready
grant writing, this fact sheet provides an overview of the basic processes necessary for a typical ... may include grants or contracts, earned income (such as events, program fees, or fundraising), ...
Preparing for the fall in a season of drought
entirely extinguished after the event No one is more aware of the challenges a drought has caused than ...
Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut
should be washed with warm water and soap. Clean containers not made of food-grade materials can be used ... cold, clean water to remove soil or debris. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces and remove the center ...
GSO Event
202 Ariana Spina kw Monday, September 30, 2024- 5:00pm to 7:00pm ...
4-H Professionals Retreat
This will be an overnight event. A 45-mile exemption has been obtained. You will be responsible ...
Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit
the jar walls. If needed, add more liquid. Wipe the jar rim with a clean, dampened towel to remove any ... wipe the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue or stickiness. Add labels with the date, ... University Extension. Food Home, Yard and Garden food preservation canning fruit basics for canning fruit ...
Response of Soils and Crops to Gypsum Application in Ohio
basic cation saturation ratio came into existence in late 1800s. Work done in New Jersey and Missouri in ...
Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic
pollination, melon variety evaluation, and more. These events will also showcase a hands-on scouting and ...
Occasional Quantity Cook Training
abuse, and proper cleaning and sanitizing. When engaged in programs/activities that include food ... events such as 4-H Club meetings, picnics, and working food stands at fairs; Master Gardner Volunteers ... providing food at one-time events; and anyone who serves food to the public occasionally such as bake sales, ...