
Search results

  1. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    pollination, melon variety evaluation, and more. These events will also showcase a hands-on scouting and ...

  2. Response of Soils and Crops to Gypsum Application in Ohio

    basic cation saturation ratio came into existence in late 1800s. Work done in New Jersey and Missouri in ...

  3. Marketing and Promotion of Nutrition Incentives

    basic information about how nutrition incentive programs work and when and where they’re available. ... friends and family. Promotion by word of mouth can be very impactful. Market events support positive ... experiences and attract returning customers. Popular farmers market events include weekly kids’ activities ...

  4. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    why it is very important to start with "clean" seed. Properly used, hot water treatment ... Seed Treatment: Water Baths Step 1: Add seeds to a clean container holding water that is pre-warmed to ... through a fine mesh sieve and transfer them to another clean container with clean water heated to 122 ...

  5. Ohio Berry Field Night

    and vineyards. Areas of focus during this event will include: Orange rust-resistant cultivars Cover ...

  6. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    pollination, melon variety evaluation, and more. These events will also showcase a hands-on scouting and ...

  7. Elderberry Production in Ohio

    then properly amend the soil before planting. While we have a basic understanding of the ideal nutrient ...

  8. Selecting, Storing, and Using Fresh Herbs

    for immediate use unless they are to be dried or frozen. Herbs should be fresh, clean, and free of ...

  9. Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing    “ The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready ”  Now available on Ohioline! Authors:  ...

  10. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Clean up spilled feed and remove open water sources such as filling puddles and covering culverts. ...
