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  1. We Grow Scientists- Cosi Community Event

    will host the third annual "We Grow Scientists" event showcasing the many STEAM fields CFAES ... has to offer through hands-on learning and activities. The event will include a look at the Waterman ... a free event open to learners of all ages looking to learn more about STEAM in their community as part of ...

  2. Cosi Science Festival

    a four-day event to engage   the   public about   the   importance of   science. It is designed to build ...  and will be  the   Big  Science  Celebration.   This is   the culminating event of   the   festival. ...

  3. Extension Faculty Meeting

    This event will include a f aculty lunch and panel discussions. ...

  4. Mushroom Foraging: Staying Safe While Eating Wild

    This program will cover the diversity, ecology, identification of fungi, and the basics of safely ...

  5. Roping

    rope is made and understand how each type of rope is used. Once you have practiced the basics of ... roping, put your skills into action by exploring the different types of roping events—ground roping, ...

  6. National Farm and Ranch Safety Leader's Guide (PDF)

    youth in respecting safety guidelines of all kinds, this book addresses safety basics ...

  7. National Farm and Ranch Safety Leader's Guide

    safety guidelines of all kinds, this book addresses safety basics, tractors, implements, materials ...

  8. Annual Performance Review Process for all Department of Extension Faculty

    teaching events evaluated with the  EEET  or other approved formats during the review period. A three-year ...

  9. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    and Resilience   We invite you to be part of a unique event this fall. Each year the Stinner Summit ...

  10. 4-H Professionals Volunteer Management In-Service

    Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. We are excited to share the basics of volunteer management, new lesson ...
