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  1. Engaged Scholarship Symposium – Nov. 1

    event will highlight faculty, staff, graduate students, and community partners who are co-creating ...

  2. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    and Resilience   We invite you to be part of a unique event this fall. Each year the Stinner Summit ...

  3. Kennel Tech Opportunity

    technician for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Primary responsibilities include cleaning the clinic and ...

  4. Drought to Frost: Feeding Safe Forages

    species, this rapid growth poses a risk to your livestock during future frost events.  What is prussic acid ... cyanogenic glycosides and degrading enzymes. Plant cell walls usually separate the two, but a frost event ... more cyanogenic glucosides. With recent rainfall events after a severe drought causing rapid growth, ...

  5. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    Ohio Forage and Grazing Council meeting in February, which will be my first statewide event after ...

  6. 4-H Professionals Volunteer Management In-Service

    Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. We are excited to share the basics of volunteer management, new lesson ...

  7. JCEP- ELC Conference

    Details to come about this event. ...

  8. JCEP- Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference

    federal legislators and decision makers. More detials about this event to come. ...

  9. P&T Open Office Hours

    These office hours are for faculty who intend to apply for promotion in 2025. This event, is for ...

  10. USDA to Host SLF Research and Technology Development Meeting – Oct. 16-17

    Oct. 16-17 in Wooster. The two-day event will provide opportunities to report out and share results of ...
