
Search results

  1. Owl Crew Writing Events

    245 Kayla Arnold kw Repeats every 2 weeks every Friday 3 times. Friday, October 18, 2024- 9:00am to 12:00pm Friday, November 1, 2024- 9:00am to 12:00pm Friday, November 15, 2024- 9:00am to 12:00pm ...

  2. United Titanium Bug Zoo joins the Osborn Fall Fest

    vendors, and activities, please visit The event will take place at Osborn ... MetroPark, 3910 Perkins Ave., Huron, OH. The event will happen rain or shine. ...

  3. Celebrate the Westerville Autumn Arborfest with the BUGmobile

    cities nationwide named a five-time Tree Cities of the World designee. The event features environmental ... giveaways will also be available throughout the event. NEW THIS YEAR! The Ohio State University BUGmobile ...

  4. Preparing for the fall in a season of drought

    entirely extinguished after the event No one is more aware of the challenges a drought has caused than ...

  5. Pumpkins & Pillbugs Halloween Bug Zoo Bash

    Family-Friendly Halloween Trick-or-Treat event: Friday, October 18, 5-7pm on the CFAES Wooster ...

  6. GSO Event

    202 Ariana Spina kw Monday, September 30, 2024- 5:00pm to 7:00pm ...

  7. Join the BUGmobile for an annual celebration of all things buggy at the Penitentiary Glen Reservation!

    Live bugs, games, activities, and crafts at this FREE event. Join us at Penitentiary Glen ...

  8. WestFest Science & Sustainability

    partners and past partners Activities and Give-Aways Event passports will be handed out at the information ...

  9. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    pollination, melon variety evaluation, and more. These events will also showcase a hands-on scouting and ...

  10. Visit the BUGmobile at Massillon Museum's Fun Fest

    Massillon Fun Fest is a FREE, annual event held as a part of Massillon's Summer Celebration! ...
