
Search results

  1. Join us for The Plate and Beyond

    Month, Webinar Series. Four weeks of webinars covering the basics, food and friends/family, food and ...

  2. Raising Meat Chickens

    clean water and feed. Prevention of Disease Biosecurity and sanitation are important in poultry ... can be a fire hazard in the barn or home. Be certain to clean dust and dander off heat lamps and keep ... guidelines that support the health of chicks or chickens: Provide clean water daily! Place a platform under ...

  3. Living Well: The Plate and Beyond

    Month, Webinar Series. Four weeks of webinars covering the basics, food and friends/family, food and ...

  4. Information from the Ohio Poultry Association Newsletter

    Environmental Sanitation:  Regular cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, vehicles, and poultry housing, ... Personal Hygiene:  Ensuring clean clothing and disinfect footwear before entering poultry access areas. ... Pullorum Clean. The link to register and pay is below. Once I receive confirmation of payment, I will email ...

  5. Determining the Grazing Intensity and Move Frequency for Your Rotational Grazing System

    A description of the basics of continuous grazing and rotational grazing is a starting point for this ... of trampling and compaction during a heavy rainfall event. Conclusion Rotational grazing systems ...

  6. Relay Intercropping Soybean Into Winter Wheat

    harvest. *The Feekes Growth Scale contains numbers that represent new growth events. The Ohioline fact ...

  7. 4-H L.E.A.D. Conference

    another great event for the whole family. ...

  8. Backyard Chicken Keeping Class

    has been steadily increasing over the past 10 years. Come learn the basics of keeping backyard ...

  9. OSU Soil Health Webinar

    informative sessions on various topics: Feb 13: Understanding the Basics and Practicalities of Biologicals Mar ...

  10. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread

    invasion of Europe by the box tree moth: an additional example coupling multiple introduction events ... , bridgehead effects and admixture events.  Biological Invasions,  24 (12), 3865–3883. ...
