
Search results

  1. Quarterly Farm Meal

    OSU Extension and Fulton County Farm Bureau. Hosted by Genter Farms in Archbold, the event kicks off ...

  2. ASGSA Beat Michigan Raffle

    ASGSA is holding a "Beat Michigan Game Day Raffle" leading up to the BIG game in November! The prize includes OSU gear, including a hat or scarf, koozies, a blanket, snacks, and more! Tickets are 1/$5 and 5/$20. There are 2 chances to win, so bu ...

  3. ASGSA Chili Cookoff

    a one-day event where we will have chili's cooked/submitted by anyone that signs up (undergraduate, ...

  4. Monda Student Resource Center

    The Office of Student Life will open the Monda Student Resource Center (MSRC) to provide support for students' essential needs in a one-stop location. Ohio State has many university programs and community partnerships to meet essential needs of stude ...

  5. Kennel Tech Opportunity

    technician for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Primary responsibilities include cleaning the clinic and ...

  6. Homesteading Conference Oct 26, 2024, Boone County KY

    Basics, Butcherin’ Basics, From Homestead to Farmstead: Marketing and Selling Beyond the Farm Gate, Goat ...

  7. Meet the Teams Night!

    On October 25th from 4-5 pm, you can learn about the judging team opportunities in the department and how they can help improve your critical thinking and communication skills! It will be in the Animal Science Arena! We hope to see you there!@ ...

  8. Person in Charge (PIC) Training

    The Ohio Person In-Charge Know and Show Training (PIC) is one day basic food safety training which ...

  9. Turkey Sale

    The Poultry Science Club is holding their annual Turkey Sale! See attached for details and to order! Orders are due November 12th! ...

  10. Certified Angus Beef Seminar  ...
