Introductory Food Science and Technology Certificate Program

This online, on-demand, introductory level certificate program provides an overview of food components and nutrition, food manufacturing, and food safety. The purpose of this program is to provide food industry professionals, who have not received a formal education in the field, with knowledge of the essential elements of food science and technology. Completion of this introductory program will provide each participant with a firm foundation of food science knowledge to be immediately applied in their current position. Participants will be introduced to the major components of foods, such as fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, and their nutritional properties. Important aspects of food manufacturing, such as processing, preservation, and packaging, will also be covered. Finally, participants will receive instruction in food regulations, foodborne illness, and food safety systems.

This is a 3 course program, which includes Introduction to Food Components, Introduction to Food Manufacturing, and Introduction to Food Safety. The courses are recommended to be taken in this order, but this is not a requirement for successful program completion. Additionally, participants may enroll in as many courses as they see fit (1, 2, or all 3) to meet their professional development goals. This flexibility also allows professionals to complete the program at their own pace, without interfering with work or home life. Regardless of course selection, each participant will be required to complete a short prerequisite course, Introduction to Food Science and Technology, at the beginning of their initial enrollment period.

To further enhance accessibility, participants also have the option to enroll in a single, comprehensive course, Food Science Essentials, which is comprised of content from all three courses in the program. This option allows participants to accelerate program completion, and is ideal for individuals with schedules that allow for a greater course load.

Upon enrollment, participants will have access to each course for a period of 90 days, and all required assignments must be completed within this timeframe. Course deadlines have been eliminated for all students due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Take as much time as you need to complete the course and take care of yourself. Each course consists of online modules comprised of PowerPoint presentations, videos, demonstrations, and supplementary readings. In each module, participants will view a sequence of lectures and complete multiple choice quizzes, to assess and reinforce learning and to aid in course progression. A variety of written assessments will also be utilized throughout each course, and participants will be required to complete a term paper or presentation, centered on a topic relevant to their work in the food industry. Additionally, a final written examination will be assigned, to determine the participant’s mastery of the material and ability to use their newly acquired food science knowledge in “real world” applications.

Course Fees and Continuing Education Units
Upon successful completion of each course within the program, participants will receive a certificate of completion that presents the following Ohio State Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

There is a 10% discount available for companies registering two or more participants at the same time. Prepayment is required.

Option 1 (1 Course, 40 CE Hours)


CEUs / CE Hours


Food Science Essentials (accelerated)

4 / 40.0*


Option 2 (3 Courses + Prerequisite, 50 CE Hours)**


CEUs / CE Hours


Introduction to Food Science and Technology (prerequisite)

0.25 / 2.5


Introduction to Food Components

2.25 / 22.5


Introduction to Food Manufacturing

1.25 / 12.5


Introduction to Food Safety

1.25 / 12.5



5.0 / 50.0*


*The difference in CEUs between taking the courses individually vs. together, through the Food Science Essentials course, results from the number of written assignments/presentations and final exams (3 vs. 1). This additional content adds 1 CEU or 10 continuing education (CE) hours if the 3 course program option is selected. 

**The courses indicated in the Option 2 table may be taken individually (excluding the prerequisite course), but all courses must be completed to receive a Certificate of Program Completion. Certificates of Course Completion will be provided to those who successfuly complete individual courses but choose not to complete the entirety of the program.

Additional Course Information and Registration

Introduction to Food Components:

Introduction to Food Manufacturing:

Introduction to Food Safety:

Food Science Essentials: